Groupe PolyAlto previously announced that the instructor for the vehicle wrapping training offered from November 16 to 18, 2017 would be Justin Pate. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, Mr. Pate will be unable to come. Renowned instructor Dallas Fowler will be giving the training instead. Details below:

Avery Dennison vehicle wrapping training
Three-day training offered by Groupe Polyalto, given by instructor Dallas Fowler.
Dallas Fowler, Avery Dennison-certified wrap installer
Dallas Fowler, owner and co-founder of Digital EFX Wraps in Louisville, Kentucky, is an expert installer and Avery Dennison-certified wrap installation instructor with over 20 years of experience in the graphics industry.
He is known for the precision of his installations and smooth, seamless results, even on complex surfaces with curves, trim and rivets. His experience and know-how have earned him high praise in the industry as well as a legion of loyal supporters among his students and clients.
“All vehicle wraps look great at a distance, but what separates the amateurs from the experts is impeccable installation that stands up under the magnifying glass.”
Mr. Fowler works in close collaboration with Roland Academy, for which he developed the Born to Wrap training. He also represents Avery Dennison at major trade shows, in addition to having been involved in the Avery Dennison vehicle wrapping training program since 2015.
Dallas is also a skilled user of the Universal Graphics Installation System (UGIS) perfected by Justin Pate. The UGIS technique forms the basis for this training and is officially approved by Avery Dennison for North America.
During the training, Mr. Fowler will share expert advice on vehicle preparation, essential tools, wrapping strategies, common mistakes to avoid, design tips, vinyl installation tricks and business basic. It is an excellent workshop for anyone who is looking to hone their skills.
In using the Universal Graphics Installation System, you will be able to comfortably wrap almost any vehicle by yourself in under five hours. Some vehicles, like vans, can be done in two hours.
Formation Details
Location : Polyalto Québec, 3825, rue Jean-Marchand, Québec, Québec G2J 2C2
Date: November 16-17 et 18, 2017 from 9 h to 17 h
Cost: Training: 3 days: $1 650 *
* A $500 deposit is required to reserve you spot. Not refundable.
Full payment prior to the training.
* Level of expertise required for this training: intermédiairy to advance.
This trainint is eligible for a grant from Emploi Quebec:
Programme de développement et reconnaissance des compétences de la main d'oeuvre.
To find your nearest Local Employment Center: Click here!
Agenda de la formation

Jour 1:
- Technique d'installation de vinyle sur les planchers
- Technique d'installation de vinyle dans les fenêtres
- Technique d'installation de vinyle sur les murs
- Nettoyage
- Préparation des surfaces
- La base pour retirer les pièces
- Outils, propriété des films, déménagements de matériel, le nettoyage
- Présentation de l'UGIS
- Couper les bordures, faire des coins parfaits
- Comment couper sur la voiture
- Un alignement correct
- Comment envelopper une zone difficile d'accès
- Blocs de temps pour pratiquer
Jour 2:
- Installation sans effort
- Rétroviseurs
- Film perforé pour les fenêtres
- Pare-chocs
- Antenne
- Comment créer avec vitesse
- La résolution de problèmes
- Comment commercialiser / trouver du travail / philosophie de ventes clients
- Habiller complément un véhicule
- Blocs de temps pour pratiquer
Jour 3:
- Formation technique avancée sur l'application de vinyle de couleurs, texturés, d'impression et de chrome.
- Approfondissement des techniques apprises précédemment
- Blocs de temps pour pratiquer