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Groupe PolyAlto Plastic Ingenuity

The use of plastic in the construction industry

Simon Lejour: Conseillier technique, Groupe PolyAlto

Simon Lejour
Conseiller commerciale / Commercial Advisor

Après 13 années dans l'industrie du plastique, dont 8 avec Groupe PolyAlto, compter sur Simon pour vous guider vers la solution plastique qui offrira les performances optimums pour vos projets.

Plastic: a construction super-material!

Traditionally known to use wood, steel and concrete, the construction industry is now turning increasingly toward plastics. And with good reason!

Groupe PolyAlto | Construction | Plastique | Rampe handicapé | Accès chaise roulante


Since its creation in 1870, plastic has not stopped progressing and offering increasingly effective solutions. Highly durable, low maintenance and surprisingly visually appealing, plastic materials are where it’s at. The growing trend in construction is to use plastic instead of wood, metal and glass.

Think about it: plastic materials are lightweight (ease of transport, good bearing capacity) and easy to bend and shape. They are also completely waterproof, are corrosion- and wear-resistant, don’t rot and are excellent thermal and electric insulators. Neither wood nor metal offer all these advantages. Contractors save money while offering clients a host of advantages. Win-win!

Replacing wood in concrete formwork or tanks perfectly illustrate the advantages of using plastic. Reusable and resistant, this super-material offers contractors significant savings.

Construction applications:

  • Tanks and troughs
  • Concrete molds and formwork
  • Spacers
  • Building signage
  • Alternative to glass

 Other, lesser-known applications:

  • Custom manufacturing
  • Grease traps
  • Filtration systems
  • Lighting systems
  • Electrically non-conductive materials and structures





Just ask us!

Don’t hesitate to ask us for advice on plastic materials.

Manufacturing custom construction equipment, materials and structures is usually flexible, quick and accessible.


Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help with your project or would like more information on plastic materials.
We’re here to help!

Simon Lejour: 
438 405-8268 ext.: 3230
Serge Massé: 

418 933-7677 ext.: 2231



Groupe Polyalto can: custom-make any plastic product you need,
help you define your project, help you choose the right materials
and solve various problems by optimizing your use of plastics.

Groupe PolyAlto | Bassin industriel | Plastique

We’re here to help

Overwhelmed by the choice of materials and all their properties? Whether selecting materials or deciding how they will be processed, the experts at Groupe PolyAlto will guide you toward the plastic solution with the best performance for your needs, in each step of your project. Contact us!




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